” One of the highlights of Australia’s world-class complementary medicines industry, the 21st annual CMA awards, were following the conference day. Over 300 people from the complementary medicines industry gathered on 25 February 2021, to celebrate the outstanding winners in a glittering awards ceremony at the Hyatt Hotel in Sydney. We would like to thank our speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for helping to make these events possible each year ” – CMA Complementary Medicines Australia
It was an honour for Homart to sponsor and be part of such a special night for both CMA and our fellow industry members at the Hyatt Regency in Sydney. Following the aftermath of Covid-19 in the past year, it was great to finally be able to meet and network with everyone in person again.
Congratulations to all CMA 21st Annual Industry Award winners!
#CMA #covidsafe #homart #happyfaces #2021 #21stAnnualIndustryAwards