Homart launches new 100% plant based capsules & softgels, suitable for vegetarians & vegans
Over the next 5 years, the “Vegan Soft Gel” market is projected to grow by over 50%, from USD 394.2 million to USD 658.3 million. Homart is now equipped with the capabilities required to access this latent market. Uniquely positioned with the latest vegan soft gel technology, we offer you the opportunity to reach and engage with 700 million vegan customers worldwide. Together, we can help you fulfill your brand’s “greener & more sustainable” objectives with Homart Pharmaceutical’s earth friendly vitamin products.

What vegan filled options are available? Whether it be EPO/ Flaxseed or Algal Omega Oil, let us quote on your existing products or discuss new ways to bring vegan options to your customers. Contact us via our website and email or contact your customer services representative. We are ready for a greener world.